PLA (полилактид) – oдин из самых популярных материалов для 3д печати.
Этот биопластик, получаемый из кукурузного крахмала.
Он популярен из-за совокупности простоты использования и его полной экологичности.
Что можно печатать из PLA?
Детские игрушки, бижутерию( браслеты, кольца), сувениры, статуэтки и фигуры, формочки для печенья.
PLA Advantages:
Environmentally friendly. Unlike most plastics made from oil, PLA is obtained from natural renewable resources. PLA is completely biodegradable in case of disposal and impact on nature.
Easy 3D printing. Due to its physical properties, this material is stable and has low shrinkage, which allows you to print from it with high quality and without deformation.
In addition, this plastic can be used to print overhanging parts without the need to create supports, thereby not requiring post-processing to remove them after 3D printing.
Wide selection of colors and options. Due to its popularity, there is a large selection of colors and options with the addition of other materials. For example, glowing in the dark or with the addition of metal or wood powder. This makes it possible to create decorative elements of various shapes, sizes and purposes.
Low heat resistance. The material softens already at 60 degrees and cannot withstand serious loads and temperatures.
Low durability and resistance to the environment. PLA is biodegradable, and this advantage is also its disadvantage, since the material decomposes over time, and when exposed to ultraviolet light, it becomes brittle.
Limited use. Mechanical strength and elasticity (flexibility) are not as good as other similar materials, which does not allow the material to be used if it is subject to physical stress.
Complexity of post-processing. PLA is difficult to process by sanding or other mechanical processing, but is easily processed by chemicals reagents.
PLA is great for printing any things that a person has to constantly interact with, things that come into contact with food and much more, especially decorative things, which can be printed with better quality than usual.
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